Our Projects

We have a good track record that speaks volumes of our abilities. Further supported by a database of local and international contacts. We are proud to have worked with many developers and we deliver strong results for our sales records.

Scope of work :
1) assign dedicated project sales team of experienced sales executives.

2) submit sales and marketing reports.

3) Handle all sales enquiries, closing of sales, collections of deposits on your behalf, follow up upon the signing of sale and purchase agreement with panel lawyers and financier’s letter of offer and other legal documents.

4) Assist in campaigns to create market awareness including organizing road shows and events.

Labohan Dagang, Banting.

22 Units

Rumah Berkembar 1 Tingkat 33.5′ X 70′ Harga
Dari RM 410,000 Hingga RM 460,000.


  • Rangka Konkrit Tetulang


  • Batu-bata Simen


  • Atap simen

Rangkaian Bumbung

  • Besi


  • Plaster Simen dan Cat
  • Bilik Mandi & Dapur-Jubin Seramik Setinggi 7’ Kaki


  • Tingkat Aluminium Berengasi


  • Pintu Utama &Bilik Tidur dan Dapur-Pintu Rata Papan Lapis
  • Bilik Mandi-Pintu PVC


  • Bahagian Dalam-Cat Emulsi
  • Bahagian Dindin Luar-Cat Kalis Cuaca

Kelengkapan Sanitari

  • Basin Pembasuh-2 nos
  • Tandas Duduk-2 nos
  • Pancuran Air-2 nos

Kelengkapan Elektrik

  • Punca Kuasa 13A-6 nos
  • Mata Kuasa Lampu-6 nos

Kemasan Lantai

  • Ruang Tamu,Ruang Makan,Bilik 1,Bilik 2,Bilik 3-Jubin Seramik
  • Tandas 1 dan Tandas 2-Jubin Seramik
  • Lain-Lain-Lepaan Simen

For more information about our projects

Drop Your Enquiry